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Spend tracking and budgeting
Net worth syncing
High-yield cash account
Automated index investing and stock bundles
Partner access
AI-powered portfolio analysis
Credit score monitoring
Estate planning
Tax filing
Access to a CFP®
Spending tags and rules
CSV import of transactions
Advanced reports
This comparison involves a comparison of all material features of Origin and Rocket Money, Quicken Simplifi, Monarch Money, YNAB and Copilot. Origin, Rocket Money, and Quicken Simplifi have credit score monitoring while Monarch Money, YNAB, and Copilot do not have credit score monitoring. Monarch Money, YNAB, and Quicken Simplifi have CSV import while Origin, Copilot, and Rocket Money do not have CSV import. Monarch, YNAB, Copilot, and Quicken Simplifi have spending tags while Origin and Rocket Money do not have spending tags. Monarch has advanced reports while Origin, Quicken Simplifi, Rocket Money, Copilot, and YNAB do not have advanced reports. This comparison is based on accurate and fair assessments of all companies' offerings. All material facts related to the comparison are disclosed herein. This comparison is based on publicly available data as of November 21, 2024, and may not reflect recent changes made after that date.
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Import a .csv from Monarch Money.
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I've tried every finance app. (Copilot, Mint, Monarch, YBP, etc.), and Origin finally checks ALL the boxes and gives you an easy-to-use interface and innovative tools to help analyze trends and make informed decisions.
Alex F.
I find Origin to be one of the most impressive personal finance management apps I’ve come across. I also think it has the potential to provide a better all-in-one financial management feel than Monarch Money.
Hope W.
Before using Origin, I thought that the possibility of owning a home was years away, but Origin's financial planning helped me and my husband see that we could afford it and understand the process from start to finish.
Christina F.
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